Access a wide range of electronic books for all ages, with picture books through to non-fiction.

Users attempting to access eBook collections via the Library Wi-Fi, from dedicated eBook devices such as a Kindle, please be aware that the sign-in to the Public Wi-Fi is via a web portal and any device needs to be able to operate a standard web browser e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari.

eBooks CANNOT be downloaded to all Kindles, due to Amazon’s licensing restrictions

Wimmera Libraries no longer subscribes to uLibrary eAudiobooks.

The latest in eBooks and eAudiobooks

Click on the image for details and to download

Top Borrowbox Picks May 2023

Hoopla Picks April 2023

Top Borrowbox Picks 2022


Great range of adult and children’s eBooks and eAudiobooks, with extensive Australian content.

Download the BorrowBox app for Apple or Android

Instructions for installing & using BorrowBox

Hoopla Digital

With hoopla digital, Library Members can now Instantly Read, Watch, and Listen to their choice of more than 750,000 titles, For Free with their Library Card.

The hoopla digital collection includes popular entertainment and educational content, such as hit TV series, newly released music, bestselling audiobooks and eBooks and much more.

Download the hoopla app for Apple or Android You can find instructions for installing & using hoopla here

Story Box Library

An online collection of Children’s Picture Books read to you.  Featuring a great range of Australian books and authors.  Login with your library card number.

International Children’s Digital Library

The Children’s Digital Library is an online collection of children’s picture books from around the world in a variety of languages